Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Grayson the Great

My incredibly handsome and charming Godson Grayson was my latest toddler subject. He's getting so big and FEARLESS. This kid is all over the place - climbing, running, laughing, sliding - he's awesome. We spent some time at the Grosse Pointe Woods Park for his 1.5 year old pics. The water and boat background was especially fitting since he was wearing searsucker pants with anchors on them - what a little country clubber! Enjoy some of the teasers:

Monday, October 22, 2012

Ashley and Christopher

Last October I received an email from Ashley, who had met me at her friends wedding in 2009 that I shot, Jackie. Ashley must have really hit it off with Jackie's brother at her wedding, because she was now engaged to marry him. Funny thing is, I remembered both of them - Jackie's wedding was one you don't forget. In fact, it was the first wedding I had attended as a photographer and had cried at, which is always slightly embarrassing. It was an incredibly touching wedding. BUT, enough about Jackie's wedding - onto Ashley and Christopher's. What a kind, intelligent, patient and thoughtful couple. They look at each other with equally admiring eyes, which is always what a photographer hopes to see. The ceremony was beautiful, the reception was a riot - unfortunately the weather wasn't as cooperative as we hoped it would be. Luckily, we had a backup plan of going to Sommerset to take photos in the event of rain, which ended up turning out a lot better than I had anticipated. Check out some of the teasers from the day: